I mean they're all standing there laughing and talking about real people and sports and stuff and I'm just standing there awkwardly looking like this

You know what I hate? When I say I like a book or a movie and then guys get all condescending and proceed to quiz me on it like I don't know what I'm talking about.
Excuse you, but I don't need my nerdiness questioned or validated by you just because you think you know more than me just because your a guy.
Here is a prime example of what I'm talking about:
Excuse you, but I don't need my nerdiness questioned or validated by you just because you think you know more than me just because your a guy.
Here is a prime example of what I'm talking about:
Me: Yeah I'm a huge starwars fan...
male coworker: So then who is Bobba Fett's father?
Me: Jango Fett
male coworker: Oh, I guess you do know what you're talking about...
Of course I know what I'm talking about and for your information you nerf herder, Bobba Fett is actually technically Jango Fett's clone who was cloned on the planet Kamino making Bobba Fett one of the many clones of Jango Fett which became the Army of the Republic durning the clone wars and were renamed the Storm Troopers after the Emperor took power. And Bobba Fett's spaceship? yeah it's called Slave II he named it after Jango's ship Slave I. And I bet you didn't know that the style of his armor is Mandalorian and that there was a massive war involving the Mandalorians before any of the movies take place....
Of course I know what I'm talking about and for your information you nerf herder, Bobba Fett is actually technically Jango Fett's clone who was cloned on the planet Kamino making Bobba Fett one of the many clones of Jango Fett which became the Army of the Republic durning the clone wars and were renamed the Storm Troopers after the Emperor took power. And Bobba Fett's spaceship? yeah it's called Slave II he named it after Jango's ship Slave I. And I bet you didn't know that the style of his armor is Mandalorian and that there was a massive war involving the Mandalorians before any of the movies take place....
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