( The survival rate for wives and girlfriends of poets is abysmally low so dating a poet is a very bad idea. On the bright side you will get a beautiful poem written about your unfortunate demise: For example look at the entire body of work by Edgar Allan Poe)
...he in a beautiful and touching gesture, had quite a few of his half finished poems buried with her at Highgate Cemetery. I Imagine representing a part of his heart or some such notion.
But get this, later on he thinks
"Oh wait, those poems were actually pretty good and I kind of want them back now"
So the guy goes and actually digs up his dead wife's grave to get the poems back!
And THAT is why he is one of my favorite people. Because him becoming a grave robber really makes me laugh. It's like a teenage girl who deletes her Facebook and then makes a new one two days later.
Sounds a lot like an episode of Supernatural, except no one died.

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